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2009 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards

“2009 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards” were presented to outstanding musical works as well as vocal performances of musical works which were first commercially released or performed in Hong Kong between 16 August 2008 to 31 August 2009. Judging is based on artistic, creative and technical achievements of each piece of work or recorded performance. All awards were nominated and voted by CASH Members and audited by our official accountants “Patrick L T Wong & Co.”

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Best Serious Composition (1’27”)
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Best Melody (0’35”)
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Best Lyrics (0’43”)
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Best Vocal Collaborations (1’17”)
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Best Performance by a Band (0’27”)
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Best Vocal Performance by a Female Artist (1’40”)
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Best Vocal Performance by a Male Artist (0’18”)
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CASH Best Song (0’41”)