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Musicians’ Interview — AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow

AGA, Howie @ Dear Jane, Larry Wong and Randy Chow are active musicians in the local music scene. They have written and produced many popular works in recent years. In this interview, four musicians chatted with Chris Ho (bass guitarist of local pop band Yellow!) about their debuts, exchanged their ideas on compositions, shared their thoughts on the advancement of the music scene, and even made predictions about the local music scene in the coming year.

This video includes selected clips from the Cover Story “Musicians’ Chat” for CASHFLOW Issue 83. To read the full text of the interview, click here. For CASHFLOW Issue 83, please click here.

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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 1 (8’42”)
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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 2 (11’35”)
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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 3 (11’54”)
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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 4 (4’42”)
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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 5 (8’20”)
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Musicians’ Chat – AGA x Howie x Larry Wong x Randy Chow – Part 6 (5’21”)