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Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 — Snapshots of 27/6 Band Workshop and Forum

The activities on the third day of the music camp included a Band Workshop and a Music Copyright and Multi-media Music Creation Forum open to the public. Both the participants and the public actively engaged and interacted with the speakers, gaining valuable insights and experiences from the events.


27/6 Band Workshop

Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung and Tutor Kenny Wong share their band-playing techniques and insights with the participants.


After the sharing session, the participants and the tutors spontaneously form teams and perform together, enjoying the fun of playing in a band.


27/6 Music Copyright and Multi-media Music Creation Forum

Veteran composer Loudboy explains the diversity of musical composition styles.


Senior composer Cheung Ka Shing shares his music composition experiences and explores the process of finding inspiration and cultivating habits.


Renowned composer Mak Chun Hung shares his rich experience in exploring the balance between AI music and traditional composition.


Terence Ng, Area Manager, Public Performance Licensing & Corporate Development (Education) of CASH shares music copyright knowledge and explains the basic concepts of music copyright.


The speakers engage in a dialogue, sharing their musical experiences and answering participants’ questions.