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Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 — Snapshots of the 28/6 Music Work Showcase

Participants from three regions share their original music works in the Showcase. Hong Kong participants are Han Ningze, Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Leung Yan Ting Tiffany, and Poon King Man Kelvin.


Professional judges are (from L to R) Siu Hak, Loudboy, Mak Chun Hung, Cheung Ka Shing, and Cousin Fung.



The first performance group: The Brave Heroes Alliance

Original song: ‘Yin Wei Ni’

Composer: Ian Hao I

Lyricist: Chen Chao Chao

Arrangement and rap lyric: Han Ningze

Members: (From top to down) Ian Hao I, Chen Chao Chao, and Han Ningze



The second performance group: 4.30AM

Original song: ‘Zhi Xi’

Composer: Chen Qiong, Leung Yan Ting Tiffany, and Wong Hin Cheng

Lyricist: Wong Hin Cheng

Arrangement: Leung Yan Ting Tiffany

Members: (From top to down) Chen Qiong, Wong Hin Cheng, and Leung Yan Ting Tiffany



The third performance group: Introverted (Love) Person

Original song: ‘Ru Guo Wo Shi Ni De Er Ji’

Composer: Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng

Lyricist: Wu Cheng Lon

Arrangement: Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng

Members: (From top to down) Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng, and Wu Cheng Lon



The fourth performance group: Gear L

Original song: ‘Shi Mian Tong Kong’

Composer: Leong Chi Long, Poon King Man Kelvin

Lyricist: Poon King Man Kelvin

Arrangement: Leong Chi Long, Ollie Li

Members: (From top to down) Leong Chi Long, Poon King Man Kelvin and Ollie Li



Jamming and performance sessions

CASH member Chan Cheung Kai performs his original song ‘Ai Zai’.


CASH member Tang Tze Chung performs his original song ‘Ophelia’.


Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung and four tutors Claudia Koh, Mark Tai, Sara Fung and Kenny Wong perform Claudia’s original song ‘my favorite wine’.


The group 4.30AM receives the ‘Best Performance Award’ for their original song ‘Zhi Xi’. The Hertz (R1-5) serves as the award presenter and shares interpretation techniques and insights.


The Group 4.30AM receives the ‘Best Performance Award’ for their original song ‘Zhi Xi’ from Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung (R1).


Music Work Showcase is successfully launched. We express our gratitude to all working partners, publishers, members and the public for their support and participation.