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Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 – The activities of the first two days

The Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 has started on Tuesday, June 25th. The activities of the first two days conducted smoothly, and students from the three regions have fully engaged in their creative endeavors.


1. Sharing Session by Music Director Mak Chun Hung

Mak Chun Hung provided students with valuable insights into the complexities of creating song styles and evoking emotions through different forms of music


2. Composition Workshop – Guest Speaker:Cousin Fung

Guest speaker Cousin Fung shared his journey as a composer and urged students to pursue innovation with confidence.


3. Lyric Writing Workshop – Guest Speaker:Siu Hak

Guest speaker Siu Hak, an illustrator and lyricist, shared how he ventured into the creative field through serendipitous opportunities and his perspectives on lyric writing


4. Vocal Technique Workshop – Tutor Mark Tai & Claudia Koh

Tutor Mark Tai & Claudia Koh led the students to the recording studio, where they demonstrated singing techniques and demo recording


5. Busking Gig – Guest Speaker:Phil Lam

Singer Phil Lam provided constructive feedback on the students’ busking performances and suggested improvements based on their interpretations. He also performed his song “An Tu Sheng De Cuo.”


6. Song Arrangement Workshop – Guest Speaker:Siu Tung

Guest speaker Siu Tung shared her arrangement techniques with the students, teaching them how to modify the arrangements using different instruments or playing methods. Through continuous learning and experimentation, they were able to enter the “Arrangement Paradise.”