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Musical Work Search

Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 – Upcoming Music


Event Registration
Jamming Teams Registration

Participants from three regions are ready to embark on the music creation journey.

The following events are open to the public. Successful applicant will receive a QR code for entry before the event date. Seats are limited on a first-come, first-served basis.


Venue:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

Deadline for enrolment:5pm on 21 June 2024

Click here to apply (only available in Chinese)




Busking Gig


Real-time Practice with Participants

Guest Speaker:Phil Lam

Venue:Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (near to Block M)




Music Copyright  and Multi-media Music Creation Forum

What is Music Copyright?

Experience Sharing among Esteemed Musicians on Composing and Multi-media Music Creation

Guest Speakers:Mak Chun Hung, Loudboy, Cheung Ka Shing

Venue:Room V322, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University




Music Work Showcase

Young Musicians Showcase Original Work in Collaboration

Come to Vote for the Best Winning Teams

‘The Hertz’ Comes to Perform and Support

Judging panel:Mak Chun Hung, Loudboy, Cheung Ka Shing, Cousin Fung, Siu Hak

Venue:Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (near to Block M)


Music Work Showcase – Recruiting Jamming Teams!

There will be a jam session in the music work showcase, where CASH members and current students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University are welcome to jam together and share your music. Enrol now!

Deadline for enrolment:5pm on 7 June 2024

(For CASH members and current students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University only)

Click here to apply (only available in Chinese)

Remark:Seats are limited. Decisions of the Organisers shall be deemed final.

Promotional Video 1

Promotional Video 2


Email:[email protected]

Tel:2846 3272


Download participants’ list (only available in Chinese)

Download Music Director’s profile (only available in Chinese)

Download guest speakers’ profiles (only available in Chinese)

Download tutors’ profiles (only available in Chinese)