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Recipient of the ‘CASH Music Scholarship for Overseas Studies 2024/2025’ Announced

Sponsored by the CASH Music Fund, the ‘CASH Music Scholarship for Overseas Studies 2024/2025’ has been awarded to Lam Chun Hei. He will pursue Doctor of Philosophy in Music Composition at Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester.

Lam Chun Hei is an active composer and an enthusiast of contemporary music style. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Music with first-class honours from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and completed his master’s studies in composition at Bowling Green State University. His goal is to explore and experiment on a wide array of sounds and timbre, especially with contemporary instrumental techniques and live electronics.

Winning multiple awards, his works were featured in various festivals and conferences, including June in Buffalo (USA), International Rostrum of Composers (2023: Netherlands), MUSLAB (2023: Ecuador), Nanhua University International Symposium of Contemporary Music Research (Taiwan), soundSCAPE Festival (Italy), Connecticut Summerfest (USA), SCI National Conference (USA), and the Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival (HK).

Groups such as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Toledo Symphony, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Mivos Quartet, Del Sol Quartet, [Switch~ Ensemble], Mise-en Ensemble, Du.0, and Cong Quartet are among the many who presented Lam’s music over the years.


Lam Chun Hei