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The 22nd CASH Golden Sail Music Awards – Call for Nominations (CASH Members Only)
Closing Date: 15 August 2024 (Thu)


Corporate Communications Department of CASH
Tel: +852 2846 3272

CASH is now inviting all members to demonstrate your support to ‘The 22nd CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ by nominating your favourite works, songwriters and performers. The eligible period for this year’s Awards is from 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024. Please read through Awards & Judging Criteria and Rules of Election, and return the completed Nomination Form by e-mail or WhatsApp to our official accountants ‘Patrick Wong CPA Limited’ before the deadline.

Click here for Nomination Form
Click here for Awards & Judging Criteria
Click here for Rules of Election
Click here for Parent’s / Guardian’s Consent Form (as applicable)