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The ‘CASH Composition Scholarship’ of the HKAPA Announced

Sponsored by the CASH Music Fund and presented by the HKAPA, the ‘CASH Composition Scholarship 2022/23’ has been awarded to the following student from the School of Music.

Chuen On is pursuing Bachelor of Music (Honours) Degree and studying composition and electronic music with Prof. Clarence Mak and Mr Imen Tang. His works include various styles such as Western and Chinese ensembles, orchestral music, multimedia creations, pop songs and scoring of music. He arranged, designed and composed music for the anniversary drama of the Chung Chi Drama Club, CUHK; Jao Tsung-I Chinese art painting exhibition ‘Lotus Luminous’, Hong Kong Palace Museum exhibition ‘Radiance’ and Hong Kong Arts Festival’s Laila.

So Chuen On